[Translate to Englisch:] Portraitfoto Prof. Ernst Wiedemann, lächelnd, Arzt der OCM Orthopädische Chirurgie München

Prof. Dr. med. Ernst Wiedemann

Specialization: Shoulder, Elbow

  • Specialist for Surgery
  • Focus on shoulder surgery

Specialist for shoulder and elbow diseases

The shoulder is a complicated joint that is easily abused. Even the smallest of things can unbalance or unhinge a shoulder. Patience is then the most important virtue. But if the pain persists for several weeks, you should consult a doctor. It is often possible to improve the condition by conservative therapy. Whether surgery would be better is something that always has to be discussed with the patient. 



operation p.a.


patients who have undergone shoulder and elbow surgery

Procedures offered

  • Arthroscopic and open shoulder surgery
  • Endoprosthetics for the shoulder joint
  • Treatment of bone fractures in the shoulder
  • Arthroscopic and open elbow surgery


Logo DVSE Deutsche Vereinigung für Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie

Certified shoulder / elbow surgeon

Focus Top Mediziner Siegel 2024 Schulterchirurgie Prof. Dr. Ernst Wiedemann, goldfarbenes Siegel mit weißer und schwarzer Schrift